J.B. Property Maintenance


Tree pruning is essential to maintain the health and longevity of trees, shrubs, and other greenery in your yard.

Regular pruning controls the shape and size of the tree, encourages new growth, reduces the risk of pests and disease, and improves the tree’s overall aesthetics. However, pruning can be dangerous and needs expert knowledge to yield the right results. A DIY without experience may potentially harm the person pruning, not to mention other plants in the yard.

Therefore, it is critical to know the basics and techniques of pruning. In this article, we will provide expert pruning tips for the best outcome without any harm.

Why is Regular Pruning Important?

Pruning can serve various purposes, as per the tree’s needs. Here are some reasons why pruning is important:

  • Pest & Disease Prevention

Pruning removes dead, diseased, and damaged branches and prevents pest infestation.

  • Controlling Excess Growth 

Pruning also controls the unchecked growth of trees by removing excess parts and improving air circulation.

  • Aesthetic Shaping

It is also used in creating a symmetrical shape and promoting fruit & flower growth.

The Role of Pruning in Disease Prevention

Pruning plays an important role in keeping trees healthy and visually pleasing. It removes dead or diseased parts of the tree to control the spread of fungal infections. Additionally, pruning also prevents pest and insect infestation by eliminating areas affected by them.

If you identify any disease or infection in your tree, call a certified arborist as soon as possible. Signs of discoloured leaves, wilting, and fungi may be indications that your tree is diseased.

The arborist will use the right products and practices to control the tree disease and prevent its spread to other plants in your garden. In severe cases where the tree is heavily infected, it may have to be completely removed.

Regular pruning can maintain the tree’s health and make it more resilient to pests and infections.

When to Consider Pruning?

When to prune depends on the type of plant, its growth, and whether it is infested by pests or diseases.

Typically, pruning is done after the fruiting or flowering of the plant. This is because pruning the trees before it has flowered risks cutting down branches that were about to fruit or flower.

Plants like roses and chrysanthemum blossom on new wood during summers, and are thus pruned during winters after their leaves are dropped.

Consult with an arborist to know about the specific pruning requirements of your yard.

How to Prune: Expert Tips

The pruning technique may vary depending on the plant type and size. Yet, there are some basics that you can apply to pruning any plant:

  • You need sharp and sterilised pruners, saws, and shears for a precise job.
  • Start pruning one branch at a time
  • Cut just above the node without damaging other branches or the trunk
  • Take time to cut and analyse the tree’s balance and shape. You can make the necessary adjustments for accurate results
  • Do not hurry. It may impair new growth.
  • After pruning, ensure the plant has adequate water supply for new growth to develop.

Safety Tips for Pruning: Things to Remember

Make sure you follow these safety tips to prevent any harm to people, property, or the tree:

  • Make sure your tools are sharpened so that the tree can heal faster
  • Prune trees at a 45-degree angle to help them heal quickly
  • Sterilise your tools after pruning each part of the plant to prevent the spread of diseases
  • Do not prune trees in extreme weather conditions like a storm or strong winds
  • Start pruning small parts before taking on large branches or trees
  • Hire a professional arborist to prune large or tall trees

Hire Professional Arborists for Pruning & Maintaining Trees

Pruning requires proper knowledge and skills to prevent any harm to the tree or people. If you do not have prior experience in pruning, it’s best to consult an expert arborist.

At JB Property Maintenance, we have seasoned tree surgeons who know how to prune trees of any size safely and precisely. Small or large, we have the tools and techniques to keep trees healthy and maintain your yard to perfection.

Consult with our arborists today and state your pruning requirements. We are happy to help.